Quintana - Vol.1

This is a series of homages to beautiful Brazilian poets, starting with Mario Quintana. I shall say that I won't be able to pay this homage up to the level it is deserved.
" A alma eh essa coisa que nos pergunta se a alma existe."
" The soul is this thing that asks us if the soul exists."

" O segredo eh nao correr atras das borboletas... Eh cuidar do jardim para que elas venham ateh voce."
" The secret is not to run after the butterflies... It is taking care of the garden to bring them to you."
" Reflexao de Lavoisier ao descobrir que lhe haviam roubado a carteira: nada se perde, tudo muda de dono."
" Lavoisier's reflexion when he found out that someone had stole his wallet: nothing is lost, everything changes to another owner." ( It didn't work good in English.... translator's fault...sorry!)

" Sempre me senti isolado nessas reunioes sociais: o excesso de gente impede de ver as pessoas..."
" I've always felt isolated in these social meetings: the excess of people blocks to see the people..."
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