Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Death - The 12th card ( A Morte - Carta numero 12)

He has gone.
She was left behind, the sword in her hands. What to do now?
Alone, she walked... the dry leaves on the ground showed that winter would be hard. That could help her. Or destroy her for good.

But this is just part of a long journey. It's her journey, and only hers.

The cabin seemed so empty.... the warmth had gone, together with him. Now everything was quite similar : the coldness of the place, the coldness of her heart. It had to be this way. She had just this choice. Passion would be no use now. Maybe even destructive.

But how to shut this inner voice up? How to control her effervescent blood, that flowed in her veins with such a strength that it was hard even to breath?

She was a dragon. And he knew it. He knew it since the very first time he saw her.

The sword in her hands was being dragged, grabbing itself to the ground, as if it knew what was expecting it... but,as she, the sword would have to go, in the very same way as she grabbed to the soil, her soul desiring to stay, in peace, in calm... she would go. And so would the sword.

And, with this thought, she felt the strength coming from the earth and growing up all inside her body and filling her spirit with what she needed. And, with a strong and decided movement, she put the sword into the soil, right in front of her door.

Turning into her left, she looked to the abism, right by her cabin. The wind that blew all her red long hair back was the same wind that took her scream to the world:

" COME!"

Ele se foi.
Ela foi deixada pra tras, a espada em suas maos. O que fazer agora?
Sozinha, ela caminhou... as folhas secas no chao mostravam que o inverno seria duro. Isso poderia ajuda-la. Ou destrui-la de uma vez por todas.

Mas esta eh apenas uma parte de uma longa jornada. Eh a jornada dela e somente dela.

A cabana parecia tao vazia.... o calor havia se esvaido, junto com ele. Agora tudo era bem parecido : o frio do lugar, o frio de seu coracao. Tinha que ser assim. Ela soh tinha essa opcao. A paixao nao seria util agora. Poderia ser ateh destrutiva.

Mas como calar essa voz que vem de dentro dela? Como controlar esse sangue efervescente, que corria nas veias dela com tanta forca que era dificil ateh respirar?

Ela era um dragao. E ele sabia disso. Ele sabia disso desde o primeiro instante em que a viu.

A espada em suas maos era arrastada, agarrando-se ao solo, como se soubesse o que a esperava... mas, como ela, a espada teria que ir, e exatamente da mesma maneira que ela se agarrava ao solo, sua alma desejando ficar, em paz, em calma... ela ira. E tambem iria a espada.

E, com este pensamento, ela sentiu a forca vindo da terra e crescendo dentro de seu corpo e preenchendo seu espirito com o que ela precisava. E , com um movimento forte e decidido, ela fincou a espada no solo, bem em frente de sua porta.

Virando-se para sua esquerda, ela olhou o abismo, bem ao lado de sua cabana. O vento que soprava em seus longos cabelos vermelhos era o mesmo vento que levou o seu grito ao mundo:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so creative. Have you ever thought about being a writer? I am curious to know what inspired this blog.

P.S. Do i get an A++ now?

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Great opening.....when does the book come out? ;)

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

miiiiiiiiiii ta vendo todo mundo quer seu livro!! o q vc esta esperando?? rrss
take care

11:13 PM  

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