San Diego

Hey....San Diego was pretty cool! We stayed at a nice hotel ( Hilton) and there was a good exercising room there and a pool.... it was nice!
I had a lot of fun with the family! We stayed there for 2 days: we went to the San Diego International Zoo, on Monday, and to Sea World yesterday. Cooooooollllll!!!!!!!!
I made some short movies with my camera - I shot the whale's presentation (Shamu) and the Dolphin's presentation ( they are so cute!). But I think this is not possible to be posted here. I have to find another way to show you.... oh, well, let's do the following: if you want to see the short movie, send me an email, letting me know. Then I will send it to your personal email address, ok? My email is
Hey.... San Diego foi muuuito legal. Nos ficamos num hotel bem legal ( Hilton) e tinha uma sala de ginastica lah e uma piscina.... muito bom!
Eu me diverti muito com a familia. Nos ficamos lah por dois dias: nos fomos pro Zoologico Internacional de San Diego, na segunda, e pro Sea World, ontem. Muuuuuuito looooooco!
Eu fiz uns filminhos com a minha camera digital - eu filmei a apresentacao da baleia (Shamu) e a apresentacao dos golfinhos ( eles sao tao lindos!). Mas acho que nao dah pra colocar aqui.... eu preciso achar um outro jeito de mostrar pra voces.... ah, vamos fazer o seguinte: quem quiser ver o filminho, me manda um email. Aih eu mando o filme pro email de voces, ok? Meu email eh
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