For a butterfly who is afraid of leaving her "shell" ( Para uma borboleta que tem medo de deixar o casulo)

This is for a butterfly, called Michele Fernanda Zucolota, who is afraid of leaving her "shell", who is afraid of flying....
Mi, leave the shell... fly. Don't be afraid. You are ready to go. Go. Don't go back. Don't turn your back to all you've lived, to all you've experienced. You will have all your life to live it all again. Don't turn your back to this moment.

That is what friends are for. To help you to fly. Keep walking. Don't stop. You have a beautiful way right ahead of you. Follow your destiny.

If you fall, I will be here to help you to stand up again. Open your wings. Fly.
My dear friend, what is yours is yours forever. Nobody will take away from you nothing that is really yours. Never be afraid of that.
I am here. Watching you. Whenever you need help to give one more step, if the steps sometimes are so hard and so painful and so difficult, and maybe you need a ride.... my dear friend, I am here. Let's walk together. Let's go together. When you need some push, I am here to push you. Big sisters.
We have different paths in this world. One is the tree. The other is the leaf. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that you keep this light inside on. Keep it on. Don't forget : I am here. I will come when you need: in spirit, in words, in an unlikely letter. Here I am. There is a reason for everything. There is a reason for you to be here. Don't forget this. Keep on. Don't go back. You must go through this. And you will. Remember: you 're a butterfly. You changed. Transformation. Keep it.
I will be always here to remind you. I will be always here to tell you: " Go! Don't look back! Don't forget all you've worked hard for. All you learned. All you lived. I am here to help you. You are not alone."

You will never be alone again, my sister. I am here, looking at you. Always.
Remember: We will always have San Francisco.
Eu fiquei tao emocionada com essa homenagem que ate esqueci do comentario hehehe... mi muito obrigado mesmo por toda essa forca que vc esta me dando eh realmente amazing!! Saiba que todas as vezes que sentir aquela vontade de ficar dentro do meu casulo vou reler isso, tenho certeza que ira me dar forcas novamente p continuar meu voo...whatever...I'm sure that we always have San Francisco...forever and ever...I like you very're my BIG SISTER...XXX
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