Saturday, February 23, 2008


More than 10 years ago, I had a teacher. It was a short class, only a month. I was only 16 or 17, full of dreams, ideals, ideas and energy. The years hadn't consumed it yet by that time, and I used to think everything was possible to those who believed. But that is not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about this teacher, who used to finish all the classes with a specific song, that was very dear for him. I never understood why that song was so important to him. Today I finally understood.

He did some wonderful in that small theater from that stupid city I come from. There was something alive there. He was trying to do something substantial there. And when I went to him full of dreams he didn't naysay me. Instead, he introduced me to some ideas. But I didn't do it. I could blame everyone and everything, but the only one to be blamed for is me.

But, back to that teacher, his classes had a soul, a certain thing that is difficult to explain in words, you gotta feel it; they got together more than 100 young people, most of them teenagers, and we got that feeling of sincerity, heart, solidariety. I don't know. There was a bounding feeling there and that feeling was motivated and started by that teacher.

And I can understand today a little bit of the heart of those classes; not completely, of course, since he was a very complex person, like all people are. But a little bit of what he wanted to teach us, of what he wanted us to learn. And it wasn't about theater. It was more than that. It was to keep that feeling alive, the feeling of change, the energy you find in young people to change things, the desire to change. Because as years come by the system smashes you and you forget all about that. You become massified, on more can in the shelf. And that was what he didn't want us to become. Just like the people we were against. Just everything we hated. Because unfortunately, if you don't observe yourself very closely, that will happen. You will end up becoming what you never wanted to be. What is easier, what is "doable". What is "sensible".
He just wanted to let that thing go into us, in our minds, to keep our youth alive, our energy, our ideals.
That is, maybe, why he always put that same song in the end. He had us all get together as much as we could, in a circle, and hold each other's hands. And listen to that song. And today, after listening to it carefully, I could tell why.

This beautiful person tried until the end of his life to bring Art into the life of my city. The city became uglier after he left us. The theatrical movements sort of died. He fought for the life of theater there. There isn't a city theater anymore after he was gone. You pass by it and it is dead.

He died of Aids a few years ago.


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