Friday, June 29, 2007

out from africa

PS: this short story that I wrote is intentionally written incorrectly. It is my intention not to capitalize or use proper English, due to the nature of my character.

so one day i waked up in a big boat, sailing through all that blue, with the chill breeze coming on my face...

i had no clue. what was all that blue? i later discovered that they called it ocean. all that weird people.... with funny things at them heads and strange ways to cover them bodies....

i looked around and up above and down and around again. wood. dark and dirty. the sky was blue, like all that water around. where was everybody that i knew? who was this people? and they speaked in a funny way. i didn't understood shit.

someone yelled at i. i didn't know it was at i, at first, but then he kicked i and gave i a thing, wet, and a bowl with water. i still had no clue. the thing was a wood stick with some hair in the bottom, but its hair was different from mine. well, everything was different from i. i was very confused.

the man got very nervous and yelled even more. another man, shorter and older, told he something and then he showed i what he wanted i to do: he wanted i to dip the funny stick into the bowl of water and to rub it on the floor. it didn't really clean it, but it looked less dirty.

so, not knowing what was going on, i decided to do it. i don't like when other yell at i and i didn't want the discolored man to yell again.

while doing it, i was trying to understand what that was. it seemed like a boat, like those i and my friends used to use to cross the river. but this one was much much more big. well, there was much, much more water, too.

i wonder if i had too much of the herb and now was just dreaming. or maybe the gods was mad at i. i just couldn't remember how i ended up there. i wasn't scared. but i had never saw so many ugly people. their hairs was strange.... more long than mine. and they was straight. they must have some illness, because them skin didn't have any color. i hope i don't get it from them.

i didn't know for how long i should do that cleaning. i also didn't know how to ask. when i tried to ask one young discolored boy, he looked at I and made some sound that i didn't understood. then i tried again. he just walked away. i think he was laughing. or not. i don't know. he didn't open him mouth very much. at first, i didn't understand. but then i saw some of they didn't have their teeth. or, if they had it, they was very ugly. yeah. they was very ugly. i hoped i woke up from the dream soon. i promised i would be more careful with the herb.

then i saw some of them getting together. they had a big fat closed wooden bowl. and they opened it, and a liquid come out of it. was that bowl giving? hey, they was drinking it! then i decided to come close and see it better. i got worried about they.

i said, "hey, don't drink it! it can be bad!", but they looked at i and laughed. i tried again, this time miming. then them really laughed. one of they grabbed i and forced i under the bowl's thing. i started struggling and trying to scape. now i was scared! i didn't want to drink no bowl's thing! they forced i to open my mouth and another of them opened the thing. i just closed my eyes and .... ops! i couldn't stop coughing. i was choking!
but, after a little, i stopped coughing. they was looking at i. i looked at they. it felt good! i liked the bowl's thing. then i wanted some more - i turned around and opened the bowl and drunk a lot of the thing! the men started to laugh at i and i hearded them saying something like "rum! rum! rum!". i thought that the name of the thing was rum.

after some time, things was funny. i was feeling very funny. everything was dancing around i and i was very dizzy. i laid down on the floor and looked up the sky. there was a black thing, hanging on the big stick, in the middle of the big boat. the black thing seemed the same kind as their clothes. but very black, with a white drawing in the middle. i didn't know what that was.

the night came in and they gived me food. and funny clothes. and i saw that they had funny shiny sticks on they. next day i learned what the stick did. they had a fight between two discolored men and one stuck the stick in the other and they throwed the dead in the sea. so now i knew what the stick was for.

the days was passing and i was learning to hear some words. they was very angry sometimes. but sometimes they maked i laugh. but sometimes, at night, i wondered about my home. and my friends. and my mama. and my papa. that was being a very long dream, if it was a dream. but i didn't think it was a herb dream no more. i think i was punished for something. they took i away from my home and i didn't know why or how. i totally forgot what happened.

after some days, i learned a word, "aye!". the first time i repeated, the young boy laughed. and then i saw he didn't have some of this teeth. i think "aye" was good. at least, "aye" was more good to say. i learned that, if i didn't say "aye" and did something that they pointed to me, they hitted i and pushed i into the dark room, under the boat. there were others there, but they were old and sick and didn't want to have talk with i. i was strong and i think that is why they wanted i on top, working. more good for i.

one day, i didn't want to do anything. i was feeling sick. and i didn't said 'aye'. and they grabbed i, and wrapped i in rope and maked i walk on a wooden board, almost falling into the ocean. i started to cry and say 'aye!aye!aye!'. they laughed and bringed i back to the boat. i was shaking and very sad. and very angry, too. but i did what they wanted i to do.

another day, i was cleaning fish to eat and i hearded a terrible sound. i thinked that it was the gods that was nervous with we. some of the other men cooking with i took their shiny sticks out and went out to the ship top. some laid down on the floor. i didn't know what to do. i thinked about going out to beg the gods to forgive i and not kill i.
i went out and there was a big, big boat, throwing big black balls at us! one big black ball passed very near i and i was shaking and peeing in my pants. i was crying and scared. the mens were running and throwing back other black balls. that was where the big awful sounds came from!
i crawled under a counter and tried to stay very quiet. but then some of the other mens of the other boat, getted into our boat and started fighting. i was very very scared.

then one of them saw i. i tried to run, but he came after i. he had one of those sticks. i grabbed one from someone that was dead and i fought. i killed that man. i was afraid. and then other men came to kill i. i used the shiny stick a lot. but then one of them stuck the stick into my arm and i let my stick fall. when he was about to kill i, another of them men came and told my killer something and they didn't kill i. they wrapped i in rope and one of them men was tooking care of i. my boat lost the fight. a lot was dead and the ones that was alive, was wrapped in rope like i. they took us to the other boat.

i was in the dark room for a long time, with chains on my wrists and foots. i was very sad. i was sad because i didn't like no kill. i didn't like blood. i was very peaceful and i didn't understand why i was there and why i had to kill those mens. i was crying.

in this boat, they gived i food, but the food was very bad. it was more bad than the other boat. but it wasn't for a long time. one day, the boat stopped. and they took i out. my eyes was hurting with the light.
they forced i to walk in this strange place. the people was wearing strange clothes. but they had more color on their skin. but not as beautiful as i. the place was full of big houses, round on the top, full of yellow rocks, and the men had funny clothes on them heads. i was very confused again.

it was very hot. and they taked us to a very big and open place. and the place was full of other people. and they were all very different in color, faces, hairs and clothes. i was very curious. what was that?

they lined us and maked us walk to a higher wood floor, where they showed us to the people. they was screaming things that i didn't understand. one by one, they took all of us to that higher place and the mens was screaming. and then one man would come up and give the man that took us there some shiny round pieces of rock. some silver, some golden.

then they took i.


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