Pilgrim - this is from the old blog - Peregrino ( do antigo blog)

Who never feels like a pilgrim, in an endless journey, going through unknown roads , in a search for itself? Who has never felt lost, confused, with no clue to what path to take and what would be real and true for its own life? Who has never looked for answers out of itself, out of its heart, answers for an emptyness which you don't know where it comes from and that, sometimes, seems to fill your soul, and returned frustrated to the same emptyness 'cause the answers never came?
Quem nao se sente como um peregrino, numa jornada sem fim, por estradas desconhecidas, em busca de si? Quem nunca se sentiu perdido, confuso, sem saber que rumo tomar, o que eh verdadeiro pra sua propria vida? Quem nunca procurou respostas fora de si mesmo, fora do seu coracao, pra um vazio que nao se sabe de onde vem e que, as vezes, enche a sua alma, e retornou frustrado pro proprio vazio porque as respostas nunca chegaram?
This is from my old blog, and it was posted on the 24th of October.
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